At Soddy Daisy High School, students take finals at the end of the year. Not all students have to take finals; some students will be exempt due to their attendance and exemplary grades. To be exempt from the finals, you have the have an 80 or above for your yearly grade, and you also have to have 3 or fewer unexcused absences for that class. Last year students could have 6 or fewer unexcused absences, but this year it has been changed to 3.
Throughout the month of April and May, students at Soddy Daisy High School will be taking their final exams. It is up to each teacher to decide whether everyone in their class will be required to take the exam, or if they will opt for an alternative assessment method such as a project or test. Ultimately, the decision on how to assess their students’ knowledge and understanding of the material will be left up to the discretion of each teacher.
English/Language Arts: April 16th-18th
Biology: April 23rd
Mathematics: April 24th and 25th
Civics Testing: May 6th-10th
Advanced Placements: May 8th-10th, 14th, and 16th
Senior Exams: May 8th and 9th
Senior Makeup Exams: May 10th
Final Exams: May 20th, 21st, and 23rd