Each year people promise themselves they’ll eat healthier, start working out, and more. And a week, sometimes a month, later they’re back to their old ways. The New Year has begun and resolutions have been made. Though most may not accomplish their goals, merely trying can create growth within a person.
Setting a goal takes time and effort.
To choose a goal you must look inwardly and decide what needs refinement. This requires introspection and being self-aware, with so many distractions around us it can be hard to pay attention to ourselves and how we act or feel. Setting goals gives everyone the chance to look back on their lives or years and see where they can improve. It keeps people humble, self-aware, and learning.
Before you can accomplish your goal, a guide must be made. You can’t just say “I’m going to get better grades”. You must outline how you will accomplish your goal. This holds you accountable and keeps you realistic. Not only this, but it helps you see how far you’ve come and makes your resolution less intimidating. If your goal is to make better grades you would sit down and say how: “I’m going to study for thirty minutes a day. I’m going to tutor on Friday’s”… whatever your goal is, you’ll have to make smaller goals, or steps, in order to accomplish it. Doing this doesn’t just make the goal more achievable, but it help with comprehension skills and detail-orientation.
Action is required to accomplish any goal. If you say you’re going to do something you have to do it. This is the part where most people fail. Motivation, time management, and prioritizing your goal is key to successfully reaching your goal. People live in a world of instant gratification, very little do people have to consistently work hard at one thing. People’s attention span and energy has dropped low and it is difficult to stay committed to a goal. You have to push through if you want to complete your goals. If you can keep going it will fill you with a sense of pride you can carry into other aspects of your lives. Whether at work or school, you’ll know you are capable and you will be able to use the same commitment and drive there.
Setting a goal in each aspect of your life is important. It keeps you well-balanced and always growing. This type of goal setting can help you with your later college applications, job interviews, and life as a whole. You’ll be able to adopt more skills, carry yourself more confidently, learn tactics to succeed, and figure out what you want in life.
Even though it is no longer January 1, you can still set goals and become a better and happier version of you.